Friday, July 12, 2024

Jérémy Barlozzo | Je Sais Pas (I Don’t Know) / 2020


by Douglas Messerli


Jérémy Barlozzo (screenwriter and director) Je Sais Pas (I Don’t Know) / 2020 [14 minutes]


This absolutely charming but admittedly light comedy begins with two men inviting over a woman for an evening dinner, both of whom evidently like her and would enjoy a bed-time romp. Despite the apartment owner’s (Clément Olivieri) lovely dinner of chicken however, there are problems.


     His close friend (William Dentz) is married, his girlfriend parking a new baby between them each night. And then, well the cute woman they’ve invited for dinner (Noémie Schmidt) is perfectly ready to serve as the dessert for the evening—on one condition: that the two male friends kiss one another and engage with her in a threesome.

     The two men we realize are perfect for one another, as she evidently realizes as well. But even though they try out the requested kiss, they’re not at all sure that they want to engage in a sexual threesome. After all, these boys are straight.

     Or are they? The female trying to hook them up is frustrated, and despite her bathroom reentry with the tawdry Chinese robe she has borrowed from her host, she redresses and says goodbye, the boys also, even after another, quite unexpected attempt to kiss one another, “just for curiosity,” say goodnight.

      The evening’s chef (Olivieri), obviously frustrated by the evening’s events, binges on the beautiful apple tart he has baked for the occasion. To his surprise, his male friend returns. What now might happen? I don’t know.

     This short film is all gay potential, with a flirtatious notion of what might be the plot of a feature film.


Los Angeles, July 12, 2024

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (July 2014).

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