Monday, December 30, 2024

Ryan Turner | Sensual Masturbation / 2014

on the other hand

by Douglas Messerli


Jesse Pepe, Gray Musiq, and Sean Sekino (song), Ryan Turner (director) Sensual Masturbation / 2014 [5 minutes]


J Pee (Jesse Pepe) and his gang of performers that include Gary Musiq, Daniel Eldridge, Tetris Kelly and Fran, Klaridi, along which his fellow composer Sean Sekino, produced some of the most delightful gay fables of musicland in the second decade of the 21st-century, including I’m Not Gay, Jellyfish, and Sensual Masturbation, among others.

    This 5-minute music video has a great deal on hand, as both Jesse and Gary make dates with their hands for a predictably sexy night, Jesse evidently preferring a bit of S&M action while Gray just determines to lounge in the bathtub and bubbles of his best buddy. The major difficulty that these two roommates seem to encounter is who gets the bathroom for the night. Jesse gives it up to Gary, and both have great fun with their respective visitors, the hand that makes for the sexual partner anyone can imagine.

    As the lyrics put it:


“So I'm going to do this right

you know at the end of the day I'll

always come back cuz nobody does me

better than me yeah I'm going do it nice and slow

….right relationships like this take time

to build and I'm here to make sure every

need is fulfilled I've got with cream….”

    Too bad parts of their bathroom encounters, and, particularly, the full dance number with their backup singers had to be cut, but as suggest, director Ryan Turner had to cut the action down to focus on Jesse and Gray’s sensuous visitors, who are evidently on hand most nights for their sexual delights.

    Once more, J. Pee takes up topics which few singers before him have wanted to approach, giving them the satirical and sexual edge that they deserve.


Los Angeles, December 30, 2024

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (December 2024).

My Queer Cinema Index [with former World Cinema Review titles]

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