adding to the list
Douglas Messerli
Mörchen (screenwriter and director) Semicolon / 2017 [26 minutes]
Although he’s popular with his group of friends, even they notice he is
preoccupied with his cellphone and vague about questions they put to him. In
particular, his female friend Sowie (Lisa Brockhoff) has been noticing his
distraction from their group gatherings.
When suddenly a fellow student, Lars (Lukas
Prangenberg) announces to the entire class that he is gay, Timo feels that
perhaps he too can come out. He first confesses that he’s gay to Sowie, and
when his friends begin talking about Lars’ strange public “coming out,” Timo
finally gets up the nerve to tell the group that he too is gay, adding it somewhat
like a “semicolon,” linking himself to the boy he barely knows.
Seeing no way out and feeling particularly distraught by Chris’ rejection, like many a young male and female in his situation, Timo gathers together a large number of pills, goes to a park near a church nearby and, one by one, begins to swallow them down.
This short movie by German director Pascal
Mörchen offers no solution for when this poor boy must return home to his
homophobic parents, so his “coming out” still offers little dramatic solace.
And what about the violent stalker? Surely by the morning he and perhaps Chris
as well will become the school’s new version of Lars. And what, we can only
ask, ever became of Lars? Why didn’t we learn more about him if his situation
is so similar to the movie’s hero? Perhaps this film has left itself with far
too many semicolons, additions to the syntax of the plot which it hasn’t fully
explored. There is something dangerous, perhaps, in simply adding names and
issues to a list. We need to comprehend each individual and situation
separately, rather than as a collective.
Angeles, February 18, 2024
from My Queer Cinema blog (February 2024).
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