Sunday, September 8, 2024

Marco T. Alves | Te Perdi no Metrô (I Lost You in the Subway) / 2017


by Douglas Messerli


Marco T. Alves (screenwriter and director) Te Perdi no Metrô (I Lost You in the Subway) / 2017 [3 minutes]


This very short lesbian film, featuring Thairiny Tiburcio and Nana Pereiira, is a tone poem about love lost and found again, using the São Paulo, Brazil subway system as a metaphor for the relationship. As the film description puts it: “Emotions and sensations in a delirious, feverish and ardent rhythm of a love that still burns. In the subway of São Paulo, the seasons change, but not the feeling. The wagon has left, but are the doors closed for her?”

     The two women apparently meet up, but quickly find themselves separated as one of the pair waits outside the subway for the eventual return of the other.

      Subway cars go flashing by, escalators full of riders move up and down with endless regularity, and the lights flash endlessly, but the missing partner does not show up.

      Finally, a car rounds the bend, stops, the doors opening up, revealing the missing other, the waiting woman speaking: “I knew you would return.”

      It’s a visually stimulating film without, however, much substance, the empty poetry of losing love on the subway not able to carry this short Brazilian film much beyond its title.


Los Angeles, September 8, 2024

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (September 2024).

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