Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unknown filmmaker | The Droids (Do You Have) the Force / 1977

droids hold hands

by Douglas Messerli


Filmmaker unknown | The Droids (Do You Have) the Force / 1977


The black and white video, 3:40-minute music tape of the 1978 performance of the French group The Droids, is a work surely influenced by the appearance of Star Wars, the George Lucas film which had appeared in 1977, and which itself was somewhat under the influence of the German Düsseldorf-based band Kraftwerk, an electronic music group was influential throughout the early 1970s.

    In this work, the Droids’ duo, Yves Hayat and Richard Lornac, perform as tinfoil rapped robotic characters between who dances the very talented ballerina, Chantal, who attempts to entice the two robots only to discover, when they surprisingly release they hands into musical expression, that they are perhaps more interested in one another than in her phenomenal bodily athletics.

    She joins their hands together as the musical duo come to a substantial erotic-musical interchange of electronic data, as sexually charged as any porno explosion of cum.

    As Nick Taylor on his Instagram site, comments: “Droids released this track as a single in 1977 and followed it with one album, 1978’s “Star Peace” (geddit?), before disbanding the same year.”

    This was released by the Italian TV channel RAI.


Los Angeles, June 25, 2024

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (June 2024).

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