Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bella C. Sonen | Sunset / 2024

pulling apart

by Douglas Messerli


Bella C. Sonen (screenwriter and director) Sunset / 2024 [11 minutes]


A truly amateur affair, with some of the dialogue evidently improvised, this short film concerns two young high school girls, Lily and Mia (Savannah Meriwether and Nathalie Wolf) who have been in a lesbian relationship, suddenly discovering—on the very last day of their summer vacation evidently—that their summer has suddenly slipped by and on the very next day one of them is off the school to Boston, the other soon to travel to North Carolina.

      While one retains the illusion that they can still find a way to maintain their relationship, traveling back and forth to see one another, the other—clearly the more practical and mature of them—perceives that she will be wanting to make new friends, to discover a new life, and, that despite the love they feel for one another, it cannot be maintained by attempting to hold onto one another, with long periods of travel involved. She has already been receiving texts from her new roommate about the plants she’s bought for their dorm room.

      Director Bella Sonen fills the interstices of this slender tale with poetry and music of the sort that young girls love to hear; but, although the attempt to present a serious moment in two young women’s lives with integrity, the film ends primarily with a sense of youthful angst and sentimentality. That too is surely worthy of being captured on film, but for an older audience this short freshman work will not be very revelatory.

      One lovely moment, however, occurs as one of the two girls shows up to the other’s house wanting to share their last sunset together, only for the other girl to point out that it’s raining. The two, nonetheless, crawl out onto the roof so see if they might catch a glimmer of the setting summer sun only to fall asleep in one another’s arms. It’s a touchingly sadly comic moment in a time where there is little room for such a perspective.


Los Angeles, August 31, 2024

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (August 2024).

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