Thursday, February 6, 2025

Gina Hirsch | You Move Me / 2010

it’s not what it looks like

by Douglas Messerli


Drae Campbell and Rebecca Drysdale (screenplay), Gina Hirsch (director) You Move Me / 2010 [12 minutes]


In this short lesbian comedy, Tru (Drae Campbell) is moving out of her ex-girlfriend’s apartment with the help of her best friend Dex’s (Rebecca Drysdale) truck-driving skills. Dex has it all timed out perfectly so that Tru can gather up her things in 45 minutes, just in time to get to Ikea at about noon.

    But Tru is unsure; moving out of your former lover’s place is complex. Dex has allowed utterly no time for break-up sex. And Dex refuses to sit in the truck waiting, as she puts it, “while you fuck her ass. If you fuck her all is lost.”

    And for a brief moment we go back in time to see Tru return home to find her ex, Mel (Len Bouton) on the floor of their apartment with a character called the “Corn Girl” (Dana Goodman)—not a pretty sight!

    But Mel, who she now encounters on the street, is quite a sexy woman. And Tru is terrified having to “Know her worth and stand her ground.”—advice from the local fruit guy on the street.

    And Tru can’t resist strapping on her plastic penis one more time, at that very moment encountering the repair man, Hiro (Daniel Lee), perhaps the greatest terror for a many a heterosexual male. The sudden return of Mel leads to an immediate fight over whose dick the plastic apparatus represents. It is Tru’s as far as she’s concerned, since she does the fucking; but Mel sees it differently.

     Mel does indeed attempt to seduce her former lover, but a cellphone call from Dex and a shout out, finally brings Tru back to her senses, as she grabs up her single box and her cock to put it in the otherwise empty U-Haul. Mel screams out the window, “Fuck you Deborah,” with Dex responding, “O yeah, that sounds awful!”

     Tru and Dex drive off, best of friends, Tru ready to burn her old dick. But Dex has a better idea, tossing it to her dog, Elaine Stritch, who absolutely loves the new toy.


Los Angeles, February 6, 2025

Reprinted from My Queer Cinema blog (February 2025).

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