Monday, June 17, 2024

J. J. Sedelmaier | The Ambiguously Gay Duo Don We Now...or Never / 1996 [TV animation]

holiday rewards

by Douglas Messerli


Robert Smigel and Stephen Cobert (screenplay), J. J. Sedelmaier (director) The Ambiguously Gay Duo: Don We Now…or Never / 1996 [TV animation]


In this December 14, 1996 episode of The Ambiguously Gay Duo the definition of Christmas itself, Santa Claus, is kidnapped by the beetles of the planet Zolaro, the Commissioner putting it a call to the duo for help, while apologizing to their wives for the holiday intrusion. When Ace reports that they are not married, his police chief collects on the bet he has made about their sexuality, while the Commissioner, still clinging to any heterosexual possibility claims, “Well, they could have girlfriends.”

     The beetles are assured that Ace and Gary will never be able to pass through the magma waves. Although one beetle underling cannot help but add, “Unless they intercept one another first,” the head beetle pondering the fact that he is suggesting that the duo may be gay. Santa doesn’t have a clue of what they’re talking about, which leads the head beetle to suggest he needs to get out more often, later suggesting that since he has all those elves that we ought to know what they’re talking about.


     Meanwhile, as the Duocar rushes to its destination, Ace tells Gary Christmas without Santa “will leave a huge a hole. We’ve got to fill that hole.

     Escaping the magma waves through the protection of their car which neutralizes the waves, Ace and Gary arrive just on time to save Chris Kringel, only be to be attacked on masse by the beetle army. After the usual open pat on the butt for Gary, the duo shift into “role mode,” moving into positions that might only be represented previously in the Kamasutra.


    Of course, they win the day, with Santa declaring them as heroes and declaring they might have any present they might desire for saving the day.

     Without hesitation, both Ace and Gay quickly move into Santa’s sleigh, reaping, one presumes, they just awards.

Los Angeles, June 17, 2024
Reprinted from My Queer Cienma blog (June 2024).




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